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KESMI Shale Shakers in Solids Control: Standard vs. Vacuum Separation

Efficient solids control is a fundamental aspect of drilling operations, directly impacting drilling fluid performance, operational efficiency, and overall costs. Among the key equipment used for this purpose, shale shakers serve as the first line of defense in removing solid particles from drilling fluids. While both conventional and vacuum shale shakers perform the same essential function, they differ in working principles and efficiency, making each suitable for different operational needs.

1. Standard Shale Shaker

In the drilling operation, standard shale shakers play a crucial role as the first stage of solids control, responsible for separating solid particles from drilling fluid. Conventional shale shakers operate by allowing finer drilling fluid to pass through the mesh via gravity, while larger solid particles that exceed the screen’s mesh size are vibrated off the screen. Meanwhile, particles smaller than the mesh openings, along with the liquid phase, return to the drilling fluid circulation system.

2. Vacuum Shale Shakers: Enhanced Separation Efficiency

KESMI Shale Shakers in Solids Control: Standard vs. Vacuum Separation

Vacuum shale shakers integrate both vibration and vacuum suction to improve solid-liquid separation efficiency. This system features a vacuum suction unit installed beneath the final screen panel, which generates a pulsating airflow at a controlled frequency. This mechanism enhances drilling fluid recovery, significantly reducing the difficulty of separating solids from the drilling fluid.

By applying negative pressure to the underscreen area, vacuum-assisted separation not only increases the recovery rate of valuable drilling fluid but also minimizes the liquid content in discarded cuttings. This results in drier drill cuttings, improving overall drilling efficiency while substantially decreasing waste volume. The reduction in drilling waste translates to lower disposal costs.

With the increasing focus on sustainable drilling practices, vacuum vibrating screens offer a practical advantage by optimizing mud recovery and reducing environmental impact. Their ability to enhance separation efficiency makes them a valuable upgrade to traditional solids control systems, especially in operations where drilling fluid costs are high or waste management regulations are stringent.


Both vibrating screens and vacuum vibrating screens play essential roles in drilling fluid separation. Standard shale shakers are widely used due to their cost-effectiveness and efficiency under most drilling conditions. However, vacuum shale shakers offer significant advantages in fluid recovery and cuttings dry. Selecting the right equipment depends on specific drilling requirements, environmental regulations, and cost considerations, ensuring an optimized balance between performance and efficiency.

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