Positive Displacement NEMO Pump are widely used in solids control and drilling waste management systems, primarily for handling drilling fluids, transferring drilling mud and other high-viscosity materials. Compared to other type pumps, the positive displacement pumps can offer stable and no pulse delivery, and can effectively deliver drilling fluids containing high concentration of solid particles. Netzsch NEMO Pump is perfect similar to NOV Brandt Mono Pumps in oilfield applications.
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQ) when you need to buy the Nemo screw pumps:
1) What is the application of the screw pumps?
(It might be working as centrifuge feed pump, drilling mud transfer pump, oil sludge transfer pump, chemical dosing pump etc.)
2) What is the required maximum flow rate and maximum lifting height?
3) What is the working temperature range of the material?
4) What is the composition in the material? water, oil and solids? what is the percentage of each material?
5) What is the condition of the material? Is it flowable or non-flowable?
Around middle of this year 2024, we delivered several sets of positive displacement pumps to Thailand for offshore drilling operations. Two of the pumps was planned to be working as centrifuge feed pump and work with Derrick DE1000FHD; other pumps were planned to work as transfer pumps and delivery pumps in the drilling fluids handling system. The technical requirement for offshore operations is higher, and we offer pump motor with IECEX Certificate. We just got feedback from client after about 6 months. “Those NEMO pumps that purchased from you, currently are operating on offshore with good performance as attached some photos”. – Thanks for the kindly feedback from client, customer satisfaction is the greatest recognition to our services and customer satisfaction is the driving force behind our persistence.
When it comes to Derrick Centrifuge DE1000FHD, it is well-known centrifuge throughout the globe. There are also Derrick DE1000GBD, DE1000VFD and DE7200VFD. We have similar model centrifuges equivalent to Derrick DE1000 and Derrick DE7200.
1) KSLW363C-FS Fixed Speed Centrifuge is equivalent to Derrick DE1000GBD (Gearbox driven type)
2) KSLW363C-VFD variable speed centrifuge is equivalent to Derrick DE1000VFD (Variable frequency converter driven type)
3) KSLW363C-FHD full hydraulic driven centrifuges is equivalent to Derrick DE1000FHD.
In the bowl size, flow rate, separation performance, we are similar to Derrick Centrifuges, NOV Brandt centrifuges and Swaco centrifuges. In the design, there are some differences because of different ideas and understandings in some points, also different patents to optimize in the design.